Weekly FAQ Thread February 12 2017: How can I get into reading? How can I read more?

I think I have something psychologically wrong with me, I think I'm addicted to the internet and not in a productive way at all. It's been this way for about probably five years now. I spend at least 90% of my waking day aimlessly browsing the internet, including reddit. I find it depresses me. I have discussed this with my doctor, although I recently lost my doctor, and I am seeing a psychologist. I'm in limbo because we recently moved from a small town to the city, so the psychologist I am seeing said to be easy on myself, and if I waste time on the net waiting for the move, then so be it.

But now I'm moved, three weeks ago, and find myself back to my old bad habits. I'm hoping I can switch to reading and break this strong hold the Internet seems to have over me.

I'm trying to start a neighbourhood book club, first meeting will be in September. There's modest interest (better than no interest, right?) so hopefully it will take off and be successful.

I am looking for advice on how to focus my addiction away from computers and onto books. It may not be healthy either, but it is better on my eyes and will allow me to focus on something healthier than aimlessly browsing the internet.

Has anyone here experienced a similar issue/addiction? Were you able to change your focus towards reading somehow?

/r/books Thread