Weeping prostitutes testify ex-IMF head held "beast-like" orgies reminiscent of classical antiquity

Clinton wasn't impeached for having sex, or "sinning" he was impeached for lying under oath. Besides, Clinton created a serious security and blackmail risk.

When you're absolutely cornered into lying in order to save your marriage, the only people to blame are the ones doing the cornering. The Monica Lewinsky scandal was never about Clinton's performance as president (during which the economy was booming). Kenneth Star was supposed to investigate Whitewater, but in a display of prosecutorial overreach introduced the Lewinsky scandal to the world. Its as if I caught video of you jerking off while investigating you for drug possession and told all your neighbors about it. When they come knocking on your door asking you if you were jerking off, are you going to say yes?

Furthermore, Clinton did not commit impeachable offenses and the country (judging from polls at the time) did not want him impeached. More on Clinton and impeachable offenses here: http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/clinton/evidenceanalyzed.html

Clinton created a serious security and blackmail risk.

All heads of state conduct espionage on each other. Why do you think the NSA taps Angela Merkel's phone and she still stands next to Obama smiling and reassuring the world of the partnership between Germany and the US? Because it would be mutually assured destruction for a head of state to even attempt to blackmail another.

Clinton, moreover, is a serial rapist, a sexually harasser, and very likely has raped underage girls with his long time convicted pedophile buddy, Epstein.

There's absolutely no hard evidence that proves any of this to be true.

Hardly surprising from a homosexual pedophile.

Last time I checked, high school students (the kind Hastert taught) are not children, they're teens. Pedos are attracted to children. Hastert committed a crime in that he took advantage of a minor and a subordinate. Those files are more a projection of his issues onto the rest of the gay community.

The GOP has rarely discussed sexual morals.

Hahahah! Oh dear God, you did not just say that.

Some terrorist went into a Christian lobby and shot up the place, with bags full of Chic-fil-a, because the Southern Poverty Law Center - a hate group - singled them out for supporting traditional marriage and family. That was an example of the hateful left literally murdering people they perceived as their enemies.

TIL one terrorist = all of the left wing.

Everyone knows Graham is gay

No, they don't. The good ol' Christian folk 65+ who make up the majority of the party base and whom barely know how to turn on a computer sure don't. Even if they do know, they stick by a code from decades ago that these things are simply not discussed in polite company. If they're so pro gay, why can't Lindsey Graham speak openly about his personal life? Why are we supposed to believe that this man has gone some 60+ years without a romantic relationship? People who feel comfortable around other, talk about their personal lives. Lindsey seems to have no personal life.

the only people that talk about Graham's presumed sex life are leftist radical queer activists.

Do I really have to dig up every Daily Caller article on Graham and read you the comments section?

The GOP does not "consistently demonize" gays - you're lying, and you know it.




you are being homophobic and essentially calling me a "fag"

No, I'm merely pointing out that "viscous queen" is not an insult most, if any straight men use, because straight men are not that in tune with gay lingo to know what that term means.

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