I have a weird thought on all these Prophets that are popping up left and right these days.

Verily I say unto to you... this made me laugh. Hi. The first time I ever had a chance to sit down with a real prophet, who approached me and knew everything about me, all of my secrets, yelled at me, and told me to start using my gifts (which I had NO idea about at the time) I found out something about real prophets ... We're just people.

I am not really sure why that is happening but my biggest guess would be is this is the internet, this is also a day of narcissism, and people like pushing their politica agenda. I would put all three of those together. I think your point could possibly be accurate.

Sometimes, thanks to the internet, prophets are encouraged to have this strong/warrior/avenger type of character. In Proverbs 16:32 we read, "Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city."

Perhaps, in some ways, like for the Prophet Elijah that was necessary. Our Lord is in the heavens, he does as pleases. In most cases, if you're going to be a prophet, you have got to knock yourself down and learn humility. Look at John the Baptist. He said, "He must increase, but I must decrease."

If you do not, your own pride will have you lookin' like a fool. You'll be wrong a lot. You'll get carried away. You're not talking to God anymore and you're just doing your own thing. Then people like yourself see and wonder what's up with these people and why are they speaking like they're from the KJV Bible.

Anyway, just pray for them. They'll figure it out.

/r/TrueChristian Thread