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KiA has accused SRS of brigading for less. How unethical of you to pass this one over in your "analysis".

Have you considered the possibility that many of the regulars on /r/videos who are interested in promoting free speech might also be regulars of /r/kotakuinaction?

Have you considered that most people don't give a shit and were getting sick of the blatant agenda-pushing going on in the sub? What's so "anti-free speech" about creating a separate space for people who are interested in such videos to post?

You mean you've seen nothing on reddit about it from them. You're not accounting for the fact that much of their -ahem- activism is organized on IRC.

Proof? Citation? Source? On the other hand KiA continues to refuse to accept evidence of it's own brigades and those from it's off-site/subreddit associates (ex. the WoW and Planetside brigades).

I'm just your friendly neighborhood grad student who goes on reddit too much and is interested in promoting free speech.

Which has made KiA, time and time again, useful pawns for bigots and trolls. KiAers made up the vast bulk of people objecting against Pao, FPH/Coontown banning, and other actions meant to ease the huge surge in hostile rhetoric on the site (mostly aimed towards women and minorities). And I've never seen you guys act to support the right to free speech for everyone - just the people on your side.

it's made me increasingly aware of peoples' penchant for dehumanizing and degrading those with whom they disagree

You don't see how this shows up on KiA in reference to SJWs? You realize that the kind of people who love to associate with you spout the same sort of language towards minority groups?

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