I went 20 years without realizing how strange the world is

I think every birth is a replication of the original vibration(the big bang). It's a wiggle that replicates the first wiggle. "The creation of a universe...aka the moment I came into being" You are that which is required for all of this to exist. Your senses are what "create" this. Reality isn't reality until my senses pick it up and my brain forms the image from a bunch of electrical impulses, but who is watching the images?

We are all the same being wearing 6 billion masks(that's only humans) playing the greatest game of hide and seek

The universe loves to sneak on itself and go "BOO" just for the fun of it.

Everyone speaks from the position of "I AM". Take what you will from that.

In religious thought, all the places referenced like heaven...hell...are states of being in the here and now.

I used to think "I didn't ask for this", but I did. I know because "I" was the evil gleam in my father's eye when he laid them on my mother. I heard this while listening to an Alan Watts discussion.

/r/Psychonaut Thread