So we're doing Dayz gun collections now? Here's some of mine.

So all the innocent people injured and killed by drunk drivers, assaults, domestic abuse, etc. due to alcohol aren't really victims and made the choice to be put in harm's way? Give me a break. Do you see how ridiculous it is to apply that double standard to guns but not alcohol as well? If we really believe in holding people accountable for their actions then the same rules should apply.

Innocent people are killed every day due to alcohol-related accidents and nobody bats an eye. Innocent people and kids are killed every day due to inner-city violence and nobody bats an eye. Some crazy guy shoots up a mall and everyone collectively loses their shit. I won't say it isn't a terrible event, but it's extremely selective outrage. Where's the concern for everyone else?

That's why I don't take most anti-gun people seriously because they refuse to acknowledge facts and want to legislate law-abiding gun owners with ridiculous feel-good policy that does absolutely nothing to address the root of these problems while making things increasingly difficult for people that are already trying to follow the law.

They exploit the deaths of suicides and dead inner-city children to pad their arguments for infringing law-abiding citizens rights while doing fuck all to improve access to mental health care or any kind of infrastructure, school and job programs to pull bad neighborhoods out of their cycle of violence.

Out of 30,000 gun deaths a year in the U.S. 2/3s are suicides and by a huge majority the other 10,000 are attributed to inner-city violence. Less than 2% of that 30,000 are attributed to mass shootings, and yet we're going to use that as the standard for how we should legislate gun control? And then people sit back scratching their heads the next time it happens and think the answer is MORE LAWS!

Most responsible gun owners feel exactly the same way. We want sensible gun control, but don't think it's too much to ask for legislators to take even a day or two to attend some classes and learn how a gun actually operates before they pass ridiculous laws that accomplish absolutely nothing.

Whether people like it or not, the 2nd Amendment is just as important as the 1st, 4th, 13th or any other Amendment we all hold so dear, which is why people like myself take it so seriously when lawmakers that couldn't even load a gun let alone tell you how it works, start passing laws infringing my ability to exercise my Constitutional rights. It's no different to me than if they tried to limit my right to free speech or due process and every decent American should feel the same way.

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