Westworld - 1x09 "The Well-Tempered Clavier" - Post-Episode Discussion

New theory on how the photo got buried at the Ranch: NOT DROPPED BY MIB OR WIB

There was no albernathy ranch at the time when albernathy was the cannibal cult leading Shakespeare loving professor. Will and Logan will stumble upon them while searching for Dolores. Most likely get captured (Photo could fall out during this but I'm predicting it gets discovered during a search ) during capture is where Will will see Dolores in a state of danger and beg for them not to hurt her etc showing the Professor William's (Romeo) love for Dolores (Juliet) and will quote Romeo and Juliet. "Violent delights have violent endings"

They search or strip down will and Logan in preparation of eating and find the photo. They show the professor. He is curious about the place it was taken but Will and Logan say nothing. He prompts to kill them. That doesn't pan out. There is a fight. Photo gets dropped and buried during the fight. Will and Logan and Dolores escape and move on to the next location. The ranch is then built with the new storyline for albernathy in the same spot where his cannibal cult was located. This the photo was buried for a total of 30 years before being rediscovered by Abernathy starting it all. (Artificial soil, no decomposition)

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