Giving up and raging too early on the game is a sign that you should be on lower MMR bracket.

"Oh, im losing? But i want to win...... " No. That's not how it works. Winning goes right out the window for most people.

As you can't quit games without getting "leaver status" throwing the game is usually the quickest way out. That's why you see BabyRage RTZ saying shit like "Go next" and asking people to tank the leave for him. I'm not comparing RTZ to lower rank play but this "study" of OP's is complete horse shit and dumb as fuck.

Getting angry and giving up after your team fails to check your in-game mental checklist (checklist as in Warding, Last hitting, harassment or all things you think matter at your MMR) is a sign you're probably in a lower rank game than you actually are. The rage comes when you realise there's nothing you can do. If you are on a carry hero you might not rage because farming is always possible. Good players will hit these mental checklists and streamline your game where you can't even tell what they're doing wrong (if anything at all in your eyes).

If you're stuck on hero that catches up incredibly slow or a hero that doesn't offer much without levels you will get angry. The anger comes because the game feels completely out of your grasp, not because it's a higher or lower skill rank than you. Try to think of the will to win and the anger as two completely different things because they are. We give up on winning because you suck (in our eyes). We get angry because the game is out of our grasp due to reasons.

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