whites All of them. I bet 75% came from upper middle class homes where Daddy paid the tuition for their Women's Study degree's. Here's a story; the most absolute racist professor I encountered during my yeas of study came from a class I took in order to "check the box." It so happened to be Asian American Studies. It was the most overt, racist class against white people you could ever imagine. This woman was unreal with her rhetoric. I was a senior, ready to be done and needed the b.s class for a humanities purpose. But my good Lord. It was insane. Funny part? She was married to a white dude. She'd talk about it all the time. Crazy shit. She was definitely the alpha in that house and I'm sure he wore the gimp mask when ever she demanded. Sad. I like Asians too! But this woman was a BITCH. And racist.