What the 435/I35/K10 exchange will look like when complete. With a handy 3D simulation.

If you're talking about the prosperity its experienced in the last 30+ years you should look into white flight and the general direction of metropolitan populations in the mid to late 20th century.

Wow, you literally managed to get the point, finally. Actually, it existed thousands of years ago, even millions ago. You are so fucking smart!

You claim to be a college graduate. You should know this shit.

Yeah, and I can also read and comprehend things without getting caught up making stupid arguments by taking words too literally.

No. you reap the benefits of having a population with disposable income that is geographically close and spends that income in the confines of your municipality.

Please, stay there. Yeah, and don't use the airport either to leave it. Must be nice for JOCO economically to have a real airport nearby. One that it didn't have to build.

What the fuck are you even talking about here? If I picked up New York City and dropped it in the middle of the Sahara it would fail.

Hey, back to taking things too literally again! No, if you could relocate NYC away from it's surroundings, it could still function as a thriving city. JOCO, not so much. Think about it harder, I wasn't proposing dropping something in the middle of the Sahara, or even the middle of the ocean, or literally "dropping" it all for that matter. But damn, you are so smart with your literal interpretation! The point, in relation to your head, remains significally above it.

Nice strawman!

You really need to learn better what this term means.

Well, they're better. Sorry. It's upsetting to people like you, I know. Brownback sucks but he's a flea the Blue Valley school system will shake off.

You must have gone to Blue Valley? Still there?

Anyway, have a good night. I'm done with you.

I'm done with you too! We can be done with each other together! Wow, I should try saying that more often, it gives me some tingles! I'm done with you! Oooeeee!

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