What about people that have different theories about the world?

One thing you always want to keep in mind when you're looking at such t hings is that you reap what you sow. If that's the sort of experience you want to reap, you're good to go but, if it isn't...keep in mind that when others make claims or otherwise tell you things, you know precisely no more than you did before they told you. Except that they told you and that you've listened to or read what they've said or written.

Be mindful of your perspective and keep in mind that all you're seeing is what someone else is willing to show you of themselves. Not their claims or experiences but, rather, their state of being so, unless you're just nosy, there's nothing in such stories for you unless you've shared an experience or want to explore and sow experiences related to what they describe.

If you just want to be entertained, you have every right - the very God-given right - to choose what gets your attention but if you're not willing to take your lumps or able to control your perspective, I'd advise against it because the perceived nature of and beliefs/fears about the objects of your attention are the foundation of your sowing - and, thereby, your reaping. Will you be taken by aliens? It doesn't matter because everything you fear is buds with every other thing you fear and any of them can step up to represent the reaping of the fear one sows.

/r/religion Thread