What action do you wish had a greater social stigma?

Its actually really easy for me to lose weight for reasons I will get into below. I am sorry I might have slightly misled you with the statement that I am "obese"

Ill start with some info on myself: I have a BMI of almost exactly 30 right now. Its has not always been that way since 4th grade but that is when I did first get fat. I have varied allot over the years.

I know a little more about the health risks than most people, I do something in medicine. Being overweight or obese class one has been found to have the same if not better in some recent studies than that of being normal weight. Given that I am not all that worried about my life expectancy.

But while BMI is great for studies with large numbers of participates (because of its easy of use) it is an inferior predictor of some individual health. That is why body fat % and abdominal fat are far superior. So while I might is at "Obese" on the BMI scale I fall on "Athletic" when I was measured a month ago at 14% BF. Given what I look like it might be understandable why I would not be overly enthusiastic about cutting more. Its pretty easy to see the results of any diet I start because I have a ridiculous amount of muscle right now that demands. Still I will transition a smaller person as I age to take some pressure off my joints, after all it is allot of mass to just haul around into old age.

I wish you luck on your journey to find physical fitness. I peeped your profile a see you seem to be someone from Europe. I really wish to have a beer over there some day. :)

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