This is what America should be.

As a first generation U S citizen (born in India, moved to multiple countries before coming to America in 8th grade) I feel like i have a duty to take pics with white people and an assortment of other ethnicities with Trump gear & apparel for science, internet, liberal tears, and MAGA purposes!

Immigration is a privilege not a right.

My dad and our family was let in to America because of the value we had to offer America. He brought us all over because of the value America had to offer us.

When the time finally came that I was able to apply for U S Citizenship, I was interviewed to show I could speak English proficiently and also pass a test on the U S constitution and its history. Then I swore allegiance to the U S flag! This is important for our country to remain a country!

When people simply overstay on visas, or walk through the borders, they do a great disservice to America.

"But muh illegal immigrants help the economy"

  • First of all, illegal immigrants directly compete with American entry-level workers

  • Secondly, illegal immigrants actually place undue burdens on our taxpayer services, including but not limited to welfare, public schooling, healthcare system, judicial system, and even housing prices.

  • Thirdly, we can bring people in legally as and when we need to. This will ensure that we get the best, rather than playing Russian Roulette with cartel, drugs, violence, and crime.

Something interesting that I noted was in Trump's recent speech, he seemed to pivot to "protecting everyone within our borders, regardless of where they're born, who are following our rules, not their rules, our rules." It seems to me that he is going to let the "some I assume are good people" stay, while deporting illegal immigrants who have committed crimes that exceed just illegal immigration. That's fine with me, and at the point we're at, seems to be the most practical and humane solution. Now build that wall! (Though even his earlier stance wasn't xenophobic- he was merely giving Americans a voice. Americans first, illegal immigrants second. They shouldn't be here anyway, so we will have to deport them! Liberals interpreted that as xenophobic hate, but in reality it comes from love, of America and Americans.

Bonus questions:

If liberals are so compassionate, then why do they let illegal immigrants cut in line in front of legal immigrants?

If liberals are so compassionate, then why do they pit American workers against illegal immigrants?

Remember folks, we lock our doors at night not because we hate everybody outside, but because we love everybody inside.

There is nothing racist or xenophobic about building a wall to enforce the border, especially when the government next door is known for its corrupt dealings with cartels, drugs, and crime. In fact, it's quite the opposite!

We are building the wall out of LOVE. Love for America, love for American citizens, and love for legal immigrants who will hopefully one day join our ranks as American citizens.

P.S. there's always that one libtard that talks about white colonialism and how all whites are illegal immigrants. Riddle me this- did the Native Americans have strong borders and a comprehensive and legal immigration process? No? Look how well that worked out for them.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -