Candid Conversation:The Future Of The Progressive Movement

Uh, I'd disagree. And I'll preface this by saying I don't blame Jimmy for Trump or anything, and being mad at that left-faction isn't going to accomplish anything. Ultimately the candidate, Hillary, Bernie, and anyone else takes the most responsibility for their loss or their victory. And I overall like Jimmy

I have plenty of the same criticisms Jimmy has of democrats at large. The problem is he takes it into the realm of false equivalency.

He's said before "there's no anti-TPP party" (before the election). But that's untrue. It's true - Obama supported TPP. Hillary Clinton was for it before she was against it. But something like 3/4 of senate democrats opposed it, as did something like 85% of house democrats.

Jimmy basically said Obama did nothing for the environment. But that's untrue, he protected a ton of public lands, protected the endangered species act (which protects a lot of public land). I wish he acted faster on DAPL, but Obama actually had halted the pipeline construction. Clinton wouldn't have reversed that, Trump is going to jam it through.

I agree with Jimmy on singlepayer. Yes the ACA largely was Romneycare. But at the same time I can recognize millions of people have been saved by the ACA.

He compared Trump's travel ban to something Obama did. Obama signed a bill which made getting Visas for citizens of 7 countries more complicated. Trump had detained people who already went through the arduous vetting process and imposed a blanket travel ban.

And I mean that's just off the top of my head. I also have a hard time figuring out how progressives are going to win if there are large voter suppression methods implemented.

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