What are you doing RIGHT in your life?

Well, 10 months ago I gave up a life of unemployment and smoking pot every day doing nothing but playing games and shit, just dropped it all and moved out of my shitty downtown apartment, to the country townwhere my daughter lives with her mom. I made the choice and they found me an apartment here ten minutes away from them. It was terrifying though, I had to inform my landlord that I wouldn't be renewing the lease in April, in time for July 1st moving day. At that time, we didn't even know if there even were apartments for rent here. it's small. I was fully prepared to live in a tent until I found something, if necessary.

Life is good now, I just went back to school to finish my high school at forty years old at an adult ed center, then I'm gonna take a professional course, haven't quite decided yet, might try to go full country boy and work on a farm something, that'd be a chill existence I could be satisfied with. I rarely smoke weed now or binge-game, it's a rare luxury on the off weekends when my daughter isn't here with me. I'm outside in nature a lot, riding my bike. I see my kid all the time too, hell, we walk to school together every morning after I have a coffee with her mom, or maybe I'll grab us all some Timmys. It's a good life.

After years of dealing with an unhappy existence, I was retreating back into my shell, but now I came back out of it, I talk to new people and smile and nod at strangers I pass on our little main street, and people here seek out my company. It's neat.

The foundations of my new life are taking hold now and the new me is developing and coming to fruition. After years of being a prisoner to ADHD and depression issues, I forced a massive behavioral and environmental change and so far it's taking hold. Change the behavior of the animal, make it routine, and the personality will follow.

So there's that, I guess.

/r/AskReddit Thread