What are you in the incredibly small minority of?

I don't use soap/shampoo in the shower.

There are legitimate scientific reasons for this called AOB (Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria). It's a bacteria that we used to have but we now kill when we use shampoo, but it helps keep us clean and protect our skin, and I'm still amazed at how effective it is. I have had zero hygiene problems, and it helped my acne a lot, which is how I learnt about it in the first place.

I do wash my hands regularly still of course.

As long as I don't wash my entire body at once I don't have to re-establish the bacteria which takes about 2 weeks where you will smell more than usual.

I'm not some hermit, I'm not a neck beard, I'm not broke and can't afford shampoo.

We all use soap/shampoo so much that that the idea of someone not using it we picture some kind of dirty person who smells like crap, and that idea is so ingrained in us that it's hard not to think one's self as that kind of person thinking about such a concept, luckily the science of helpful bacteria is growing and becoming more and more popular each day.

It's probably not something very special, but it has been a useful tool for me which is why I share it.

/r/AskReddit Thread