What are the least racist countries for black people to study, work and live in?

I never trust the majority to give an accurate read of life for minorities.

My wife's Indian (much darker than a Roma for comparison) so I have a pretty good idea, but I do agree with your point to some extent. It's easy to get caught in an echo chamber that everything is fine and rainbow-colored if you talk to people who will tell you the same thing.

Prague however is fine. The worst thing that happened to us were staring old women. They're just bitter, some of them, but we got the same experience from staring old women (tm) also in Italy and Germany, so I hesitate saying "fucking Czech racists!"

Second problem are drunks. There are a ton of drunks in CZ and Prague is no exception. You get into conflicts or fights for tiniest reasons, like once someone had a problem with me wearing a leather jacket and thought I'm a mafia guy. So being obviously foreign in a bad neighborhood in the middle of the night may give a drunk knucklehead a reason to pick on you because you stand out. If that's racism - it could be. Drunk assholes can be racists too. And

Anyway, I stand by my point that Prague's fine. I know people from all around the world here and the biggest trouble they get is with the Czech foreigner police, these guys are like bloodhounds, always checking, stalking. Weird shit. Small cities, towns and villages - I'd stay clear. There we're talking about actual racism or extreme right wing in some cases.

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