What you are missing out on members' relationships because you don't speak Korean!

Jungkook, five years younger, calling Jin by his name, is just simply unthinkable. You don't do that. You never do that. It just does not happen. You're likely to be punched straight away. Him being the center, also unthinkable in other social groups. This is possible because the hyungs only act out the benign responsibilities - look after the young, encourage the young, support the young etc, instead of the more common options of wielding authority, squashing opinions, and frankly very often, lashing out with physical violence. I don't see any of such negative aspects.

I am very sorry OP, but I have a hard time believing Korean men would punch somebody or react with extreme violence if a proper honorific is not used for their name. This information you have shared just makes it seem like Korean men are violent just becuase they can be because they are older than another male/female. I have a very hard time believing this to be true.

Can you please back up the bolded statements with a factual source to this information from a reputable website/source explaining this phenomenon? If what is bolded is true, then that is really disturbing. : /

I'm afraid I only skimmed your post, but I would really like a fact check on the bolded information above if you can please provide it.

/r/bangtan Thread