What are my options??

Okay, so little disclaimer here... Obviously this is reddit and not a formal doctor/patient relationship. Therefore, you are the responsible party for anything you ultimately choose to do with this info and subsequently anything that results from those choices.

With that out of the way, here it goes...

In order to properly comprehend what I'm going to describe, you'll need a basic understanding of how the Temporomandibular Joint actually works. The following YouTube video does a pretty good job of providing that basic understanding.


In your case, it seems pretty clear that you're dealing with anterior disc displacement with reduction. When you open wide, the joint reduces so that your condyle is on the disc (the pop you get at 75% open is the result of the condyle slipping back on to the disc). However, when you fully close, the condyle slips back off the disc.

Getting back to the those motions I asked you to go through... what I'm really looking for is that position of your jaw that is closest to the position you jaw is in when fully closed... BUT WITH THE CONDYLE STILL ON THE DISC.

/r/TMJ Thread Parent