What are some community or caste stereotypes that we have in Nepal? [serious caste discussion thread]

My two cent on stereotype -

Bahun/Chettri/Thakuri - Casteist, entitled, stuck up, and physically weak. But literate in Nepali language better than other community because of their sanskrit spoken origin. Bahun are seen as manipulative because they are intelligent. Chettris come in all sorts (Racial terms - chucche, tuppi, stingy). Thakuris, oh well, gone are the glorious days of monarch.

Newar - Strong sense of entrepreneurship, These are a strange type that comprises people of aryan and mongoliod features (dont know how that happened). They comes in two forms; Buddhist Newar and hindu Newar.

  • Hindu Newar - conservative, religious; similar to the above mentioned groups. business minded.

  • Buddhist Newar - easy going compared to hindu Newars. Runs gold shops.

(racial terms for newars - jyapu, dtha dtha dtha - refering to their inability to pronouce 'T' correctly).

Thakalis and Mananges - Strong sense of entrepreneurship. These commuities managed to head-start successful trekking routes to their villages (Jomsom and manang area); thereby making them successful in attaining that foreign currency. Prone to violence but not to the extent like other groups that I will mention below. (Racial terms - Bhote)

Gurung, Magar, Limbu, Rai - These communities are seen as egalitarian compared to other hindu-caste orienated groups. They have a strong sense of community, however lesser literate in Nepali language for the reason that Nepali language is not their original language. They have a reputation of drinking excessively and easily prone to violence (fists before dialouge). These four community have different sets of lines drawn in terms of how far one can push them - Limbus and Rai are fucking angry and prone to violence the quickest. Gurungs can be pushed little further before their trigger level kick off. Magars are can be pushed to the furtherest, but they go ape shit after crossing a certain line. (Racial terms - Bhote, Murkha, Mateuli)

Damai, Kami, Sarki, Tharus - Docile, submissive, and will offer their labour with little or no demand. This comes from the fact that their caste was denigrate with oppression for generations. Some of the best people of Nepal, but also the most oppressed. This is slowly changing now. However, some of the most wildest 'dada giris' also comes from this group. (Racial terms - Damai, kami, sarki, tharu - their surnames itself is a racial term)

Tibetans - Business-minded, angry, makes some of the best momos. (Racial terms- bhote).

Madhesis - hardworking. Seen as non-nepali. However, this is also changing with their struggle. (Racial terms - dhoti)

/r/Nepal Thread