Warning: very political sarcasm

And I'll look at it from the same angle and say there's more guns and gun stores in America then at any time in history, and gun owners have some of the most powerful lobbying groups in the country. For every srste law that moves against firearms, several more are repealed.

I also find it offensively riduculous to say self defense us the most valuable individual right; bodily autonomy, the right of self, the right to domain over your own body, is surely far more.of value. Most of human history has had women defending their bodies without guns. Still to this day, women are raped and sexually assaulted constantly, and widespread access to firearms hasn't changed that.

Because most rapes occur by someone the victim knows. Most women aren't getting raped by a guy pulling a gun on them in an alley (in which case the upper hand goes to the person who ambushed first, a.k.a. the rapist), they're getting attacked when they're unconscious or by someone they already trust and lower their guard against.

And in that instance, libertarians and Republicans don't exactly have a great track record of helping out rape victims. In fact, it's been mostly libertarians opposed to affirmative consent laws, meanwhile Republicans are just telling them to lay back and accept their rape pregnancies as "gifts from God". Put it this way: Women having access to universal healthcare (so they aren't punished for going to the Hospital) and abortion is more helpful to them than being able to get a CCW slightly more easily. Guns as a solution to rape and rape culture is quite like bombs as a solution to terrorists and terrorism. It's simplistic and feel-good, but ultimately the tiniest fraction to the issue. It takes more to support womens rights than just conveniently supporting self defense because it suits you.

It's not unfair to characterize your position as "firepower trumps womens basic bodily rights"; you said it yourself you consider the former a higher priority. You may believe it's because you think guns cure rape, but this is just more selfishness manifesting in faux concern. I don't even know why you guys try to mask your narccism; the fact that the Libertarian party is more unpopular with women than any othet should tell you that most of them are smarter than you give credit for.

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