What are things you do to help you sleep?

This will very likely get buried, I have to tell someone, even a single Redditer about this, It's pretty much my secret way of enjoying the time before going to sleep (other than masturbating), because I don't get to sleep easily. This is actually very personal, and not something I'd ever reveal to someone I know, purely from the weirdness of it. It's not depraved or anything, but you'll see. It may seem egotistical or childish possibly (I don't know). Basically, I think up... Situations, I guess you would call them. For example, superpowers, everyone has a favourite. I take it farther. I basically mentally progress on a life alternative to mine were I to receive some massive change. For example, my most recent: receiving near Godlike powers, not only in the simple 'superman' sense, but in terms of metal ability and understanding of the world. It's chronological, and I generally continue it to some other occasion each night, continuing the storyline. Ideas for what next magical way I can help the world are thought up using current events, and I aim to make what unfolds largely more realistic than purely idealist. Let's take some more current things I have contemplated... Basically my ability to instantly obtain answers to any question, for example God or the soul, and I run something akin to TED, but where I only reveal something of my knowledge each time. I cannot reveal everything, such as God or the soul because humanity is not ready for it. Because I don't actually know what a soul is, I mix it with my own fantasies of what it could be. In my current timeline, it's a complex form of electrical signals that can inhabit space (working just like the brain's signals), but chose to inhabit people. The signals exactly align with the structure of your brain, so if that is retained you do not 'die'. This allows me to genetically alter someone with a terrible genetic condition (one I saw on the news) with no moral issues, again, it's fun altering humanity for the better. My intervention has stretched from war to politics, always what is fun for me to imagine at the time. I do limit my ability to be a badass killer, since the political effects would be terrible and I was in the process of attempting to improve the political system. That's just the most recent. The complexity and variation of these has increased over time. Previously it was if I were able to inset myself into a cartoon. One of the earliest was when I was a lot younger, imagining I'd been turned into a beast akin to the Naga from Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, and I relied on the kindness of some characters from a show I'd watched. It didn't last long, but it has stayed in my head for some reason. That just shows the development. One interesting one is trying to justify the existence of a cartoon in an alternate universe using my most recent timeline, and allowing myself or another to visit. It's an interesting one to try justify, being able to visit my current interest at the time, which was My Little Pony (this is getting harder and harder to admit, by the way). Basically I linked the power of collective imagination to the ability to actually create, like the brain structure to the soul. You might do similar and discover your particular political ideals are what work perfectly (I tested this in my timeline using a simulator I built to simulate the world given any change). What I'm getting at is you can take anything you are fascinated in exploring and take it to another level, all mentally, combined with your most secret fantasies. If you've read this far, I'm amazed, but I encourage you to try it, it is truly fun and endlessly interesting. EDIT for grammar and small additions. NOTE: I don't think any single anonymous upvote has meant more to me. Thanks.

/r/AskReddit Thread