What are women attracted to Evolutionarily?

First of all, somebody commented about it being in the sidebar, I suggest you take a look. BUT. To make it easier for you: it's not about "pre-selection" or "status". There are so many cases where women pick somebody who seems to be the opposite of a "high SMV male" on the outside. Outcome-independent is what you want to be. Confident in you abilities at all time, calm and collected. That stands for everything, work, friendships, family and pussy. If you know that you can easily take that other chick on the opposite side of the bar home, then you will not cling onto a particular one that thinks she's a God's gift to man. Basically abundance mentality in everything. And it has to be genuine, because if you try and fake your confidence, you will just come off as an arrogant over-compensating loser to them. Be the man they would WANT to submit to because of the confidence and inner power. Physically its height, and the width of shoulders. Trust me, women are not too picky when it comes to your appearance if they see you as somebody who can put them in their place and has their shit together at all times.

/r/asktrp Thread