What was the most fucked up thing your ex did after you broke up?

He got with a guy I highly respected (but there was a disagreement. He thought he got scabies from me and stopped talking to me). Anyways, he came all the way from florida to ohio to get with him and lie to everyone he could find remotely connected to me about taking his things.

I gave him a $400 computer to compensate for the things that he couldn't take on the plane with him. Of course, he never mentioned that to anyone. Then to top it all off, he tried to kiss and make up (before I knew he had done all of this), he texted me saying his boyfriend wanted us to meet and get our past out of the way, which was obviously stupid.

But I let him come over. He got shit faced drunk and tried to get in my pants. I went through his phone to see what he had actually told his boyfriend and found out the real story. I texted his boyfriend about the whole deal and then drove the douche home while he went on and on about how even if he had gotten into my pants, it would somehow not be cheating because he doesn't love his boyfriend anyways... Wish I had my phone recording that.

He's what's called a narcissist; I only checked his phone because I knew what he was like and knew I couldn't trust him. sigh This was about a year after we broke up. Immediately afterwards, he called the corporate office of burger king to report all of my room mates saying they were selling drugs and prostituting out of BK, lol.

They sent someone to check it out, and promptly found out he was full of shit though. And I'm 100% sure that his new boy eventually found out how much of an ass he was. There's just no way the crazy bastard could hide it for more than a month.

/r/AskReddit Thread