What are your thoughts about tattoos?

I like them. I have a bunch but the last time I got one was like 5 years ago. I never really took them super seriously so they're all kind of ridiculous. I have a Colonel Sanders tattoo (kind of ironic now that I haven't eaten meat in like 4 years), a tattoo of Leviticus 19:28 (which is a bible verse basically telling you not to get tattoos), I have the logo for the Cobra terrorist organization from GI Joe tattooed on me. I wanted to get all kinds of other silly shit but I never got around to it and I'm mostly over it at this point at least for now (I considered getting a casino chip tattooed on my shoulder, Adrienne Bailon's name tattooed in the exact spot and style that Robert Kardashian has it, Count Chocula laying in bed with a Hershey's bar like they just fucked, and a bunch of other dumb shit).

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