Ex-husband still bitter that I'm not taking care of him financially

I’m glad you used the word “leech” because I was saving that word to use in my comment! Hahaha!

Anybody who acts this way — man, woman, whatever — is a LEECH, period. I’m not sure why on earth he wouldn’t try to utilize his computer science degree, as some IT jobs bank some serious cash. Did he fully complete his degree? Have you seen his degree certificate? I just find it odd that you’d have a degree like that and sleep on it.

Sorry you had to go through all that and raise little ones at the same time. As for your ex-husband, I’m sure he’s popular amongst the 20-year-olds who have zero experience as to what a real partner is. Just wait until one of them is breastfeeding his dead ass! Haha!

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread