what are your tricks to becoming an early riser?

As someone who is always called a morning bird and must quickly explain that I'm not, here are the tricks:

  1. Determining when to wake: If you need to be functional for something, plan to be up far in advance. So if you need to be awake at work at 7 A.M., I personally require 2 hours lead time.

  2. Method of waking: Place an alarm clock in a place where you MUST get up to turn it off/snooze. It won't make all the difference, but it helps. If you a light to moderate sleeper, consider buying something like an iHome that will play music to wake you. Softly, slowly waking up to music that you like/would listen to can make the difference when it comes to deciding whether or not to snooze.

  3. If you REALLY like the snooze button: Account for snoozing in your wake up time. When my music doesn't play, I need three snoozes to get up (30 minutes, ouch!).

  4. Create a ritual you like: Part of the two hour lead time I suggest for waking up should be consumed for something to entice you out of bed and also get you ready for the day. For me, I take a slightly longer shower and consume a leisurely hot coffee (1% milk, no sugar). If it's food/beverage, be careful its not expensive/unhealthy. Perhaps spend some time finding something low cal you like (Go browse r/tea, there's so much variety). Some people like running. It's important to note that other good things to do with this 2 hours are things that might pester your conscience - taking out the garbage, minor cleaning, self-hygiene, making lunch, etc.

  5. How to go to sleep: If you don't get enough sleep, chances are no matter what you do in the morning, you'll crash or be miserable at some point. Generally 8 hours is a good aim. Calculate when you need to be asleep & wake up to get that. Plan to have at least a 20 minute power down period before bed with no screens. Lay in bed and read for 20 minutes with a soft lamp, have a cup of tea, or do a crossword. Whatever it is, it should be something you can do in bed. For me, I read a book. I've found that if I like the book too much/it's an easy book, I'll want to stay up reading, so I aim for hard books I like (Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Bible, Tao Te Ching).

  6. Go to Bed: The time has arrived to sleep. Just do it. If you find yourself lying awake for more than an hour, read a bit more or have a drink of water but DON'T turn on the T.V. and avoid adding lots of light

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