What are your worst college roommate horror stories? [NSFW]

Oh this one's good. I'm living in a six-man apartment with a bunch of friends from university. For the most part, we all clean up after ourselves and don't bring random ass people over.

Except for one person. We'll call him Bob.

Bob was one of our good friends from school until he started getting into the drug scene. Don't get me wrong, he was always into smoking pot or whatever, but this semester he was a nightmare.

It all started this summer when Bob got his second DUI and had to serve jail time because of it. He told us what was going on at the beginning of the semester and that he wasn't allowed to drink or smoke and was getting drug tested weekly. But there was one drug he could use: coke.

Once he got into coke, he REALLY got into coke. He was doing it multiple times a day (like right before he would study) and then began to sell it. He then started to bring really weird people in numbers through the room. He was also taking people's chargers and drinking other people's alcohol without asking. This is when we started to get a little bit fed up with his bullshit. All of us knew each other, knew of each other's friends, and would rarely bring through randos. We had no idea what was going on with this kid.

Middle of the semester, he has a mental breakdown. He finally got too overwhelmed with the combination of school, addiction, and legal shit. We tried to talk to him and get it through to him that he's changing and needs to get his shit together, and it seemed like he listened. Then that same evening he goes and does coke again. At that point we gave up.

It started to get worse. He stopped the drug tests so he started getting belligerently fucked up and/or stoned. He wakes up each morning and smokes a bowl, and does that every couple of hours along with coke. The random people coming through just got weirder and would come in bigger numbers. The other day I woke up from a nap and 8 random ass people are just chilling in our living room. It was getting out of control.

Then, one day, one of my roommates had 2-3 g's of his pot was gone. We all knew Bob stole it. He lights into him and he keeps denying. At this point we were all just so sick of his bullshit that we decided to kick him out. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Motherfucker.

/r/AskReddit Thread