What bands/musicians do you think deserve a big budget biopic like Queen or Elton John?

The thing with GG Allin was I never knew if I was laughing with him, laughing at him, or just bummed out about the whole thing. There was a posthumous record that came out and the cover was a picture of his dead body in the coffin. He was dirty and iirc, wearing the jock strap and leather vest that he died in. Check out his interviews on Geraldo, Jerry Springer or Jane Whitney on YouTube. They're nuts. I think he's wearing a Nazi helmet in one of them. He was arrested 50+ times and spent a fair amount of time in jail. For what, I'm not sure.

Interesting story about GG and his overdose: You can find the footage of GG's last day alive. He's walking around the streets of New York with a bunch of his fans after a show, trying to find a cab so he doesn't get arrested for the antics took place during his performance. He makes some references to a guy named Johnny and says, "He better still have my bag," or something along those lines. He died in Johnny's apartment of a heroin overdose later that night. Fast forward 13-14 years when my friends' band is on tour. Their record label was the same one that Johnny's band was on, and they stayed with him when they were on tour. They were hanging out, drinking and talking to Johnny about GG. Johnny gets a box of pictures and shows them photos of people in the apartment posing with GG's dead body. It's okay, I guess. GG wouldn't mind. After all, his fans piss on his grave to pay homage.

I actually like some of his earlier work with the Jabbers. He also put out a ton of garbage, though I guess most people would consider all of it garbage. He's a polarizing figure in the world of punk, but people who knew him say he was a sweetheart. I think there's something Andy Kaufman-esque about him. A GG movie would be really interesting, but you'd need the right director.


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