What bug bit me?

Hello! First of all, I hope you're having a good day. I know this is unusual but I need help.

Two days ago I was playing with a stray cat at a park (I am 23 but he was cute and I wanted to pet him). After that, at the evening, I noticed two bites on my leg. I am super scared that I might have gotten fleas from him.

The bites seemed very similar to mosquito bites. They were raised pink and had a dot in the middle. They were super itchy for a bit but after a few minutes they stopped and now they are as if they didn't exist. Literally no redness or itchiness or anything.

After that I have noticed one or two bites on my legs only. Same thing raised pink and a dot but after a while they dissappear and don't itch.

However one bite is exactly like a mosquito bite. Raised and white and it itches when I touch it.

I haven't heard a mosquito in my room.

I am really confused and tried to get help from Google which made it worse because now I am more confused.

Did a flea or a mosquito bite me?

Thank you all!

/r/AskReddit Thread