What can we learn from feminism?

I'm all for learning from both feminism's successes and mistakes. Just spinning off some unorganized thoughts but:

  • establishing core theory, literature, and a library of mrm authors could be a start? I thought that a decent amount of feminist ideology was popularized/spread through books, and people reading it. One of the best ways for people to absorb information imo. Academic approach seems to work.

  • Securing a support group for boys in higher education (unfortunately this is being fought against/ we just have to stubbornly keep trying). If more people found support offline, that'd be great. It would also speak towards legitimacy.

  • weigh in with your votes politically. Have more men vote for those that bring up their issues, and show there's a solid consumer base for it. Express a lot of loud media support for people acknowledging injustice or double standards toward men.

  • Promotional art and cultural icons for boys. e.g. There's a lot of promotional artwork/projects for women when it comes to combatting gender roles/issues they face, and bringing awareness to their problems. But few for men. (I'm barely an artist but plan on illustrating images for boys' issues and boys' positivity eventually.) There's also no real 'hero' or character icon that could represent men's struggles, yet.

  • Branches of studies and research dedicated to boys: We need more empirical data on boy's situation (sociological) as well as physical health(biological). Data collection is important (even as simple as starting with surveys) as well as a central hub to share it. e.g. nurture versus nature in relation to inter-male aggression. Most victims of male violence are other men- maybe some solutions to that end of healthier relationships and interactions between boys? Or how men's corpus callosum- smaller in boys and shrinks when facing neglect or violence unlike girls, makes male victims respond differently to trauma than woman; treatment should evolve to account for that.

  • the creation of shelters/ support groups/ organizations/ and call lines is an obvious one. If someone knows intimately how shelters for men in Sweden came about successfully, that'd be a good example to reference.

I don't know if this would interest some people? But there are classes that teach what went into feminist activism behind the scenes. Some of the reading material in the syllabus might be of interest to sift through?

/r/MensRights Thread