Holi color powder catches fire at Taiwan's water park concert, hundreds serverely burned... (omfg.) [NSFW]

Ah yes Kayjay25,

I fully agree with your comment above.

While the rest of us have all been foolishly directing our attention and sympathies to the victims in Taiwan, it is comments like yours that help bring us all back down to Earth.

Your comment above has focused your empathy ENTIRELY upon the real matter at hand: the pain/anger of being downvoted.

And most inspiringly, you've taken an angry and defiant tone... taking a stand for yourself, to FIGHT BACK!

And redirect our attentions towards the most important topic for the rest of the world right now in this difficult moment: you, and your anger and pain in this flurry of unjust downvotes.

All caused by that monster Rooonaldooo99's response to your comment.

Well, I say NO MORE!

Let us join your defiant and fighting spirit Kayjay25, over such an important issue.

Yes, my fellow Redditors, it's finally time to UNITE and turn our attentions to that which is most important here. FORGET about Taiwan, and overturn this injustice and shower that has victimized Kayjay25 with a flurry of downvotes.

I say we REVOTE Kayjay25 back up... up out of hell, and into the sky of transcendental glorious upvote heaven, for which his pun deserves.

And downvote that other MONSTER! Downvote Rooonaldooo99 who caused this. A monster I say!

IN CONCLUSION Kayjay25, my good friend... my enlightended one...

I can only hope you will find some way to deal with the pain and trauma of this downvoting event.

Any empathy your comment has expressed above, had been directed entirely towards your ownself... and you have thus shown us the light... the way.

This event is ALL ABOUT YOU... and you are the one that needs our support today.

It is your right to make bad puns, and the ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT that the rest of the world acknowledge the cleverness of such a pun, and UPVOTE it, to sooth your pain/anger at the injustice of all those downvotes.

That is the real story here...

Not those 200 selfish bastards in Taiwan, awake in the hospital in utter agonizing pain that is going to last for months and months... leaving them screaming during that recovery period (if they do recover)... followed by lifelong disfigurement... lost careers... lost relationships...

... you have taught us and reminded us, of what is most important here, and for that I thank you.

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