What was the creepiest or most paranormal thing that’s ever happened to you?

One morning I woke up and went to check my phone as I usually do.

After answering a few texts I noticed that a chat with myself (you can message yourself in the messenger app) was showing as recents and I then opened the chat to see that I had sent myself a video during the night. In this video you see nothing but black screen and your hear some heavy breathing in the background until the end of it when the camera suddenly moves and the video stops.

This freaked me the fuck out - I had heard of sleep-texting and such, and the content could have been me just filming in my sleep, but the part I still don't get at all though is how the hell I fully asleep could search my own name in the messenger app, film a video and send it to myself? Just feels very odd

/r/AskReddit Thread