What did you do that made someones life better?

I'd run up this riverbank and swim down with my dog, almost everyday for an entire summer. One day I pass this guy who's slung a noose around his waist and has a tire with a rope in one hand, he's about to lower himself off the bridge to fashion a swing under it. This guy is not in good shape, and that's not how you make a harness. So I decide to watch him.

Within a minute this guy is dangling helplessly, exhausted, essentially hanging himself to death as this rope cuts into his midsection. There's two old guy's up top, unable to pull him up since he's tied his rope to the railing of the bridge, it's pulled so tight against the railing and concrete you can't get under it. So I hustle up, hang off the side, reach under where the rope isn't drawn against the concrete and start pulling this guy up. I'd feed the slack to the old guys up top and reach down again until we'd managed to pull him to safety. The first thing he says is "DON'T FUCKIN' TOUCH ME I'M FINE". So with that I left and went for my swim.

Saved that assholes life, anyway.

/r/AskReddit Thread