What did your past relationship teach you?

But if you don't control her heart or mind or actions, then the probable outcome of what you speak is a possibility, but there's a 50% chance it won't be resolved. That's the facts.

"Bound by marriage" might apply in my mind, or yours, but as for my wife--I don't idolize her or believe she is anything but a human being. She could change overnight. There could come a day when it's over for many reasons. Maybe it will never come and death will be the separator.

She can leave whenever she wants, because I have no control. And I love her. I want her to live the life she pleases. If that entails something I don't agree with (I don't wish to be a cuck, or abused, or continually lied to), then maybe I'll have to divorce her if nothing changes. Or we mutually agree. So in the end, the door is open.

I don't live in a fantasy of marriage. I live in the reality of relationship and that each in it are creating through action.

There are undeniable facts of life. The sooner one understands what they are and accepts them as so, then the sooner one can relax and enjoy life. Enjoy the other person.

Do you understand now?

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