Like a bull. Damn.

How in the world can you say it was taken out of context? It's a simple statement you made - an absolute one at that.

Sure, it was absolute. It wasn't in context of what we were talking about though.

I did. My first comment "More people die from suicide every year than from physical altercations." What's worse? Bruises? Or death?

Nothing to do with my much broader statement. You're arguing a specific thing, rather than the actual ideal.

We have a more equipped mental health system that at any point in our history. It may not be great - but failing it certainly is not.

Sure it's better, doesn't mean it's great or even good as you said. And yes, from experience at least, it is rather failing...and it's not even really mostly the fault of the facilities. Things like the opiod epidemic and over working have made it worse.

No it won't. You literally said shit like cancer. The entire point is that bullying leads to mental illness - not sickness.

What? Do you think that I implied mental abuse will manifest as cancer...? I mean, I even agree with the last sentence, we basically said the same thing...But that hasn't been your point. Man, I don't even know what your point is anymore. This is exhausting.

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