What do you do if a woman you don't know grabs you or your arm in public or a place of work like a restaurant or somewhere by grabbing you arm as it's not a guy you can shove off or hit?

Yeah, well, I wanted to - but given the setting and my parents being day and the day that was in it, I held the rage in, probably why I'm still pissed off about it. I was afraid to post this here and some guy just told me I come across as an asshole in it, so now I wish I hadn't. I mean, I've let it go, I guess I'm just dwelling on stupid crap tonight and also wondering why people see me like a target like this. I don't think I'm especially weak, I just hate encountering people like this in settings like this and when they're women. If it was a bar, I wouldn't care. If it was a guy, I'd just push him off. I hope you figure out what to do about the women at your workplace.

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