What does it mean if a girl rejects you by saying "I have kinda hard time right now" is it just an easier no?

My ex girlfriend initially wouldn’t date me because she was going through therapy for abuse she suffered as a kid. She had repressed memories that would come back at random times and angry outbursts. She didn’t want to be a burden but also she didn’t wanna open up and show me her crazy just to get dumped over it and be left feeling even more worthless. Once I walked by our bathroom and heard her bawling her eyes out and it was because I had unknowingly bought the shampoo her abuser used and she didn’t realize it until she was already using it and the scent made her have a flashback.

I couldn’t have imagined any of this shit was going on or had gone on in her life just from our interactions at work and on our first few dates... I guess the point is that maybe your love interest really is going through some shit that they want to deal with alone or are too afraid to let anybody else see.

/r/AskReddit Thread