What does the USA do better than anyone else?

Okay, I still believe that you have no idea how healthcare works. I'll give you a example:

There are two friends, Jim and Matt. Jim is working at the factory and he's earning minimum wage (15,080 dollars annually).

Matt on the other hand has a decent job and earns double than Jim (30,160 dollar annually).

The cost of living in the US for a single adult with 3 kids is almost 6,000 dollars a month, so let's say Jim only needs 1,000 bucks (kids usually spend more money as they need more stuff). That's 12,000 dollars a year just so he can live. The average insurance cost in the US as of 2009 is around 3,500 dollars. That's 15,500 dollars while he is earning 15,500.

Meanwhile Jim can't afford his health insurance, Matt can comfortably do so and still have money to spare. There's data that shows that most of Americans earning less than 24,000 cannot afford insurance so they don't have one or they get help from Medicaid.

The average wage in my country (Spain) is around 20,000 euros a year. From those 20,000 euros, 1,500 go towards Seguridad Social (healthcare). I never had to use the healthcare for any serious issues, just for trivial stuff so yeah, I would be better off not paying taxes and getting private healthcare when I need it.

But that's not how things work, the healthcare is made for those that can't afford it. My best friend had leukemia and both of his parents have private insurance yet they went to a public hospital for his treatment. Keep in mind it was a 6 month stay at the hospital, chemo, all the meds. If they were in the US, they would probably be broke or my friend would've died. Healthcare is for everyone but mainly is for the people that otherwise can't afford to pay and they would die if not attended. It was a long post but as long as you read it and get how it works, I'm okay.

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