What drug did you take once and thought “nope, never again”?

The one that my family slip into my food and drink. Make you feel nothing, like you have no emotions, Your intelligence goes down swell and you are unable to concentrate on anything at all. whatever it is I am sure that it causes permanent bring damage. I can feel myself become less intelligent after taking it, and I am sure that if I kept on the treatment I would become brain dead within a year. I can already see the fate that would be played out for me if I kept on the "treatment plan".There is this old fucker that wanders around my hood, just fat and say and blasted out of mind. He fucking sits and talks to himself at night at the corner. He also does weird shit that I recognize in myself, such as buy weird stacks of groceries (attempt to avoid getting drugged.) From what I can tell he no longer remembers why he does it, it has just become a habit for him. I forget to mention, but memory loss and hallucinations are another side effect. The hallucinations are always triggered by thought patterns or external stimuli. I have one that is recurring. Also headaches. I don't know what drug it is. I have some guesses based on a recent news story, but I know for certain that I am being drugged.

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