What ended your relationship with your best friend?

Lost a best friend due to his compulsive lying. It was funny/believable at first but as time got on it became awkward and unbearable hearing him tell stories. Told so many lies about himself that it kinda became funny when he would try and backtrack and cover it up. Final straw was when friends of friends I would bump into would mention his latest act of generosity "Jon* told us the other night he couldn't pay for his dinner cause he lent you $500 when you couldn't pay your rent".

A: I never asked him for money or had any trouble paying my own bills B: He used everyone he knew in his stories to make up scenarios/stories that made him look like a saint thinking the story would never make it to whomever he was talking about. C: He was broke (unemployed). but told everyone he had money; but it was easier to use others as his scapegoats than say he didn't have money.

After a while I realized his compulsive lying was his way of covering up his insecurities of not being "cool" or "interesting" . Then my anger just turned into just pity and sadness for him. Lost touch with him over time, but would still hear the odd story of him still doing that to his 'friends'

/r/AskReddit Thread