What f*cking timeline am I living in???

So, we're looking at a racist and sexist app that punishes people based on the race or sex that they identify as?

Wouldn't that allow the people you are dining with to self-identify their gender or even pull an Elizabeth Warren and ID as a Native American just for a lower cost meal?

I thought wage gap was a myth (before you call me sexist, I'm a woman), based on how much more likely men are to be killed or maimed on the job than woman. Also, if women are paid so little, then why wouldn't a business just hire disproportionately more women so they could pay them less? Don't women go to college at a higher rate than men?

Then we can look at the racist angle, which is basically saying that non-whites (which you get to selectively ID as), aren't capable of competing with "whites" in terms of scholarships, college admissions, diversity hire programs, etc. If anything, the average white person has a disadvantage on paper for college and jobs.

Also, as a white female, I would never brunch with anyone who would ask me to download an app and ID my race/gender so we could decide who pays what. Unless someone is ordering extra drinks or super expensive meal, you just both put your cards and split the check.

Who casually brunch dates? Brunch is for friends. If you are in a phase of life where every dollar counts, then you order responsibly, then pay for what you ate. If you can afford it, you brunch with friends who take turns picking up the check. Downloading an app and making people pay a portion based on their gender/race is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.reddituploads.com