What 'fan theories' have blown your mind with their devastating logic?

I know THIS will be unpopular, but imagine a world in which the Jews are repalced with a subhuman, scheming race of beings. Who are in fact bent on world domination. Who are truly genetically inferior, and in this world the people of Germany are representative of a race that is pure, a race that actually is genetically ideal. In this world, the future of humanity depends on purifying the entirety of humanity's genetic code so that we don't fail and devolve. A world in which every characteristic of every individual is entirely genetic.

In such a world, genocide, though unpleasant, would be an honorable and just thing to do, and in a world where the jews were an actual malevolent strain of humanity, for the greater good the people of the best race would have to hold their noses and make the great sacrifice, to ignore their humanity and do the hard thing.

Either this is true, or the entirety of those who were involved in the final solution were sociopathic entirely evil men.

Actually, both can be true, which would likely be the same case in which those best suited for the job of executioner would be sociopathic.

The evil was in the misunderstanding of reality that was the basis for eugenics, the idea that all the traits of humanity were encoded entirely in the genes, and that allowing the unfit to breed is detrimental to humanity as a whole.

Margaret Sanger endorsed abortion for the black people of her day. Not just them, but there was soome inherent racism there which however was not unusual in the context of the world at that time.

This is very controversial, but the people of Germany AT THAT TIME likely didn't feel they were committing evil acts, and in fact likely believed they were acting for the best interests of humanity.

That said, I believe that they philosophy of the time can be judged to be "evil" from the basis of what we now know.

And ironically, if innate qualities can be said to be directly related to genetics, then we would have to assume that the Jewish bloodline is moroe likely to produce geniuses based on the patterns of Nobel Prizewinners. If the views of the Nazis were actually true, one could argue that the Jews would be the master race.

All of this is of course nonsense, but deceived people are not as responsible for the evil they commit as are the ideas that lead them to act.

Many have killed for wrong reasons and held themselves to be innocent.

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