What fan theory will always be canon to you?

Damn, that was long, better keep the following episodes shorter:


Some years have gone since the last movie. OB-1 is training Anakin to become a jedi. They have a genuin friendship but they are both in love with the slave girl they saved un the first film. The girl is torn between them and can´t decide if she wants the older reliable man or the younger bad boy.

Meanwhile the republic is collapsing. More and more planets fight for liberation from what they believe is a corrupt republic. Palpatine and the senate answers tough, using the clone army to stop the rebellions. OB-1 and Anakin fights in these battles.

OB-1 still thinks someone inside the senate is behind most of the terrorist attacks that are being blamed on different planets, but Anakin thinks he's a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Palpatine favours Anakin and tells him he doesn't trust the clones and that he believes they have weaker minds than ordinairy jedis, and that they might be dangerous.

Among the clones, a discontent with the situation is growing. Many of them thinks they are being treated as slaves and doesn't get the respect they deserve. OB-1, the only clone with jedi status, relates to them and advocates their freedom. Anakin on the other hand more and more believes what Palpatine is telling him.

The love for the same girl and their differences politically drives the former friends apart. Palpatine drives through a proposal in the senate to dissolve the jedi order, which he blames for the problem with the clones even though he was the one behind the idea of a clone army. The order join the rebelling clones and OB-1 tries to convince Anakin to join them, promising he would never lie or hurt him. Therefore OB-1 meets with the slave girl and tells her he will not stand in the way of love between Anakin and her. But Anakin sees this and misinterpret them embracing each other as a betrayal of OB-1.

Palpatine reveals he has had his own training of part of the clone army and uses them trying to stop the jedis from escaping and joining the rebellion. The jedis manage to escape, but Anakin and the girl is still with the senate while OB-1 joins the dissolved jedi order.

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