What is the greateat shitshow you have ever witnessed?

You have my respect!

It reminds me of a similar story of mine. One night about a year ago, (my daughter was about 18 months old), I was in bed with my wife, and she had headphones in watching something on her iPad and I was in that slight doze you're in when anything wakes you as you're not exactly asleep, but you will be at any moment. Out of nowhere, I just heard a noise I couldn't understand, and as a Dad who checks on his daughter if I even think I need to check on her, I was straight up and into her bedroom. She was laying flat on her back, choking on vomit. It was terrifying. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, right as she released the biggest load of vomit I have ever known a person to release at once. As I was standing there with my daughter settling down after releasing it all, apologizing as all kids do after they've puked but looking okay, I had never felt more relieved in entire my life knowing she was okay after what could have happened. I think you really believe you are a Father when you have an apologizing toddler on your shoulder and vomit running down your back into your ass crack.

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