What happened that made you an atheist?

I went to church and Sunday school a lot as a child. My mom would force me to attend though neither her or my father would. They weren't religious people but they thought me socializing with Christians would instill some morals in me. I would go with my mom's friend's family. I always felt different and out of place in church. Everyone seemed so overly nice yet judgemental. My mom's friend would constantly discuss shit that would send us to hell. I soon became very defiant and insisted that church was a waste of time, I guess I was around 7-8. My dad got sick of hearing me whine every Sunday so told my mother not to make me go.

Finally, when I was about 10 one of my best friend's family were Jehovah's Witnesses. Nicest people I have ever met. My family soon became good friends with them. I ended up joining them to Kingdom Hall. Everyone there was very nice. Attending this church seemed like it was less bullshit. They read the bible, analyzed it, and without all the shouting and theatrical talking done by one person. They passed around a microphone and had everyone's input of how they felt about something.

Nothing ever seemed forced on me. Though, by this time I could never buy into it. So I guess there was never just one tragedy. Just a lot of experience with Christianity. I was just learning a lot and hanging out with a good friend. He knew I wasn't a religious person but we never felt the need to disrespect each other. The more I learned from this church the more I realized there is no God but I kept my mouth shut.

It's quite sad to see how zealous some atheists really are. Even as a fellow atheist I'd rather spend a day in church and be around happy people than spend it being upset about something. Though, I haven't attended church in over a decade now. Religion just isn't important enough for me to even think about anymore. Not since I was 10 years old.

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