What happened at the worst party you've ever been to?

Everyone at a party except my girlfriend and I took acid. Usually this sort of thing went well, but this night in particular took a nasty turn. In total, I believe there were 5 people taking acid that night, two couples and one single guy. My friend's boyfriend and a friend of his both ended up going crazy in a way I'd never seen before or since in my multitude of hallucinogenic experiences.

Since my girlfriend and I had responsibilities the next day, we thought we would head over to a friend's house and do a bit of drinking instead. About an hour after we'd left we received a call from the two girls back at the house. The single guy had started coming onto them in very direct ways, touching them and whatnot, so they locked themselves in a bathroom and gave my g/f and I a call to come back and try to trip sit for him. So I thought, "There goes my enjoyable night, now I have to trip sit."

I didn't expect to come back to much, except of course my two roommates (the girls) to be in the bathroom and the single guy to be out in the living room. Well, he definitely was out in the living room when we returned, but he was not alone. A guy one of my roommates was dating was out there with him, and together they had already caused some pretty serious destruction. Upon entering the house, the boyfriend (who was a great guitarist when sober) was sitting on the neck of his guitar, attempting to snap it in two using his body as leverage. My g/f and I got our roommates out of the bathroom and proceeded to stop the boyfriend from destroying his own guitar. We looked around the room and saw the rest of the damage they had already caused. Puncture holes in the walls, posters torn down and ripped to shreds, furniture flipped, etc. It was a nightmare.

We proceeded to round up the two guys who were losing their shit and kind of huddle them into a single room where we could watch them easily. It wasn't long before the single guy got completely naked and sat on our couch, which wasn't a big deal because we could just cover him up with a blanket-- but then he thought it would be a good idea to just go ahead and piss all over the couch. While we were dealing with the piss-soaked couch, the roommate's boyfriend thought undressing as well sounded like a good idea. So we had two naked guys tripping in our living room.

This was too much for us to handle, so we found the single guy's ID in his wallet and looked up his address. We were going to take this guy home, he'd already sexually assaulted our roommates but he also pissed on our couch, he needed to leave. We dumped him in front of his house shirtless about twenty minutes later.

My g/f and I came back after dropping him off to see that other naked guy had caused more destruction to our house. We watched him try to rip a book in half and then HE ALSO DECIDED TO PISS HIMSELF. This time on the floor, also under a blanket. This was some years ago now, but I remember my g/f and I stood on opposite sides of the room at either exit and would direct him back towards the center of the room anytime he tried to make for any exit. We did this for roughly six hours, from about midnight to 6 am. Around dawn he finally started to snap out of it and we could see him trying to piece together what had happened that night in his head. My g/f and I didn't care, we were pissed and we wanted sleep, and my roommate who'd been dating him spent the whole night in our basement unaware of the bullshit we were dealing with. None of the people who'd tripped that night had any memory of what had happened the next day. Lots of destruction and anxiety, lots of other people's urine and nakedness, and no sleep.

tl;dr two naked tripping guys pissed everywhere and destroyed our house and attempted to sexually assault my roommates.

/r/AskReddit Thread