What do you think happens after death?

Not sure. Short answer: something.

Why I think that, if anyone is interested:

A girl I know used to run a pretty interesting podcast. It’s still out there and available to listen to, but she no longer records new episodes.

In one episode she talks through how she swan-dove off a 5-story building trying to kill herself and was dead for 19 seconds. Her description of what happened when she was dead, along with personal paranormal experiences I’ve had (seeking out “haunted” spots and seeing glowing/teleporting orbs, being touched, having handprint bruises left on me where I hadn’t felt any contact, voices, footsteps, scratching on walls, demonic sounds/voices that came back on a video recording) make me lean toward the opinion that -something- happens.

Won’t know until I get there.

/r/AskReddit Thread