What if we compiled a database of men who sexually assaulted us?

Except there is anecdotal evidence (I saw stats about 10 years ago) that showed repeat offenders who have previously been jailed for sexual assault crimes are more likely to commit a violent crime like murder or attempted murder than to risk imprisonment again for rape.

No the average man who sexually assaults a women isn't likely to jump straight to murder. But the habitual offender who has until this point gotten away with it and thinks that their lifestyle or liberty may be at risk? They'd certainly be more inclined.

Not to mention the whole... innocent until proven guilty thing. I wonder how many Libel suits that this sort of site would bring against women who list men as rapists on there? I'd love to see the kind of punitive payments awarded to men who are listed there and lose their job as a result, despite there being no criminal charges brought against him therefore him being "innocent" (from a legal standpoint) of the accused crime.

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