What if we lived in a world where we had reasonable access to the relatively safe and effective medicines that reduce our unbearable suffering? Can society handle it?

Well, it's not that bad, but I still can't afford it right now. Ultimately it ends up being about 2x as much as my last doctor, I was spending a lot of co-pays there going to PT and neurology and psychology and all, and they were giving me just he bare minimum pain meds. Ideally a pain management doctor should be one or two $30 copays a month though really. At my new self pay doc there is also a group seminar/discussion they do each month included for free with the $220 for pain psychology. I was skeptical at first, but it's actually probably better than 1 on 1 therapy for me.

I'm not able to work anymore so I've been putting all the thousands of dollars of medical care I'm getting on a credit card with a 0% promotion that lasts another 12 months. I'm hoping I will be approved for SSDI before then and pay it off with my back pay, but if I don't get approved before next August I'm gonna have to cash out a retirement account or something before they call that interest, it's gonna be a lot.

So now I just swipe that card for the $220 a month and I'm just gonna worry about it later. For now I'm getting the treatment I deserve and am on track to be the most stable I've been since my accident 8 years ago.

/r/ChronicPain Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it